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 T r a i n i n g

Bmus Hons at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London

"Opera Works Programme" at the English National Opera

Masterclasses with Norah Amsellem, Neil Semer, Cheryl Studer, Nadine Denize, Vesselina Kassarova, Nelly Miricioiu

R o l e s   p e r f o r m e d

Mère Marie - Dialogues des Carmélites

Second and Third Weird Sisters - Macbeth Underworld (by Pascal Dusapin)

The Sorceress - Dido and Aeneas

Mrs Grose - The Turn of the screw

Laura - Luisa Miller

Waltraute - Die Walküre

Charlotte - Werther

Idamante - Idomeneo

Ramiro - La Finta Giardiniera

Princesse de Calydon, La Reine - Callirhoé (A-C Destouches)

R o l e s   s t u d i e d

Amneris - Aida (prepared for performance but cancelled (covid))

Eboli - Don Carlos

Laura - La Gioconda

Venus - Paris version Tannhaüser

Kundry - Parsifal

Fricka - Die Walküre

Ortrud - Lohengrin

L'Africaine - Meyerbeer


Octavian - Der Rosenkavalier

Der Komponist - Ariadne auf Naxos

O r a t o r i o   a n d   m a j o r   s o n g   c y c l e s

Duruflé Requiem

Handel Messiah

Bach St-Matthew Passion 

Christopher Wood Requiem

Mozart Vespers

Mozart Requiem

Elgar The Kingdom

Rossini Petite Messe Solennelle

Rossini Stabat Mater

Alma Mahler Complete Lieder

Mahler Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen

Messiaen Harawi, song of love and death

Ravel Shéhérazade 

Caplet Le Vieux coffret

Debussy Chansons de Bilitis

Lesur Chansons Cambodgiennes

Lesur Trois Poèmes

De Falla Siete Canciones Populares Espanolas

Granados Canciones amatorias

Turina Canto a Sevilla 

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